1Department of Nursing, Andong Science College, Korea. marseo@hanmail.net 2College of Nursing, Kyungpook National University, Korea.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship among stress, physical symptoms and coping styles of high school students.
METHODS: In this study, 356 second grade high school students (male 181, female 175) from two schools, which were located in Dae-gu city, participated in the study. Mean scores with standard deviation, T-test, ANOVA, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient were used to analyze the data.
Analysis was done using the SPSS/PC program.
RESULTS: The stress level of high school students averaged 2.59 out of a possible score range between 1 and 5, and physical symptoms, 2.38. The average level for coping styles was 1.36 of a possible range between 0 and 3. The correlations between stress and physical symptoms (r=.506), between physical symptoms and coping styles (r=.304) and between stress and coping styles (r=.363) were all significant.
Conclusions To guide the high school health program, we must try to understand the traits of the students and make efforts to identify personal and concrete difficulties in coping. Therefore it is necessary to use a stress care program to systematically improve their health.