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Journal of Korean Academy of Child Health Nursing 2007;13(3):291-298.
Self-confidence and Satisfaction in Father's Role Performance among Husbands of Primiparous.
Mi Hae Sung, Kyung Sook Joo
1Department of Nursing, Inje University, Korea. nursmh@inje.ac.kr
2College of Nursing, Korea University, Korea.
PURPOSE: The father's role performance in this study was identified as the correlation between self-confidence and satisfaction with parenting role by husbands of primiparous. METHODS: Participants were recruited at a professional obstetric and gynecologic hospital in Seoul. For use in this study, the tool by Lederman et al. was modified to incorporate father's self-confidence and satisfaction with role performance. Percentages, means, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson Correlation Coefficients were used to analyze the data with the SPSS WIN 11.0m program. RESULTS: The mean score for self-confidence in father's role performance was 35.19 and satisfaction in father's role performance was 45.13. General characteristic significantly related to father's role performance were marriage satisfaction and type of delivery. Also marriage satisfaction and religion were related to satisfaction with role performance in this study. There was a positive correlation between degree of self-confidence and degree of satisfaction in father's role performance. CONCLUSIONS: The degree of satisfaction in father's role performance was positively related to self-confidence. So, nursing interventions to improve father's role performance may lead to improvement in father's self-confidence and satisfaction with role performance. Further research is needed to exam causality.
Key words: Role performance; Self-confidence; Satisfaction
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