1Department of Nursing, Jiang Su University, Zhen Jiang, China. 2College of Nursing, Chungnam National University, Daejeon, Korea. ispark@cnu.ac.kr 3Department of Nursing, Konyang University, Daejeon, Korea.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of family stressors, family strains, general family values, family values for hospitalized children and family hardiness on family adaptation based upon McCubbin's family resilience model for families of hospitalized children in China.
METHODS: A survey using a self-report questionnaire was conducted with 330 hospitalized children's parents. Six instruments were used in this model. The data were analyzed using SPSS WIN 19.0 and AMOS 19.0 program.
RESULTS: Family strain had a significant negative direct effect, general family values and family hardiness had a significant positive direct effect, and family values for hospitalized children had a significant positive direct effect and indirect effect on family adaptation of hospitalized children.
CONCLUSION: In this study McCubbin's resilience model and resiliency factors were identified. According to the finding of this study nursing interventions to reduce family stress, enhance family hardiness and consolidate general family values and family values for hospitalized children can help to increase family adaptation in families of hospitalized children. Therefore, the significance of this study is that the results can be used to develop family nursing intervention programs based on family resilience to strengthen family adaptation in families of hospitalized children.