1Wonkwang Health Science College, Department of nursing, Korea. 2Seoul Women's College of Nursing, Korea. 3Department of International Communication, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Korea.
This study was designed to determine the schemata and their characteristics of stress experience the subjectivity of stress experience(structure of subjectivity) would be a basic step for the effective clinical education through the stress management for characteristics of these types.
Q-methodological method was used for that purpose. The research method statements were collected prior to the study through indepth interviews. For the study, 31 Q-statements were selected. There were 34 nursing students as subjects for the research. The 34 nursing students sorted the 31 statements using the principal of forced normal distribution. The principle of forced normal distribution, which has 9 scales to measure the individual opinions, was called. Q-factor analysis by using PC QUANL program supply the material. According to the outcomes of this study, there were 3 types of special opinion about the stress experience of clinical practice. The first type is called "Influence of practical atmosphere type". Members of this type experienced stress by an inadequate orientation and undesirable role model of nursing. The second type is called "conflict of nursing role type". Members of this type experienced stress by an inadequate orientation and undesirable role model of nursing. The third type is called "Lack of confidence type".
Members of this type experienced stress be cause of a lack of confidence for their own nursing knowledge and skill. As a result, we now need further study to identify individual psychological aspects of stress for clinical practice. The findings will guide the development in effective approaches for clinical education. Finally, the result of the study will provide us the need for developing systematic and integrated practice education program for students and active involvement of clinical instructor.