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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2000;6(1):18-31.
Gender Differences in Dieting, Eating Habits and Depression of Obese Adolescents.
Hae Sook Park, Hyeon Ok Ju, Hwa Za Lee
1Department of Nursing, Pusan National University, Korea.
2Pusan International Highschool, Korea.
Recently, the number of obese people have been increasing due to westernized diets and increased sedentary activity. In particular, obese adolescent have been newly recognized as having significant health problems. This study focuses on determining the gender difference of obese adolescents through implementation of a structured questionnaire on general characteristics, attitudes toward dieting, eating habits and emotional depression due to obesity. Data collection was carried out by 291 students in attendance at 3 high schools in Pusan from 11. 2. 1998 to 11. 30. 1998. The targes were 148 boys and 143 girls who were judged as obese in the school's physical check-up. The test of reliability of this research was calculated by chronbach's alpha . Data analysis was managed by computer and statistics by SPSS/WIN. The results of the survey are as follows: 1.For the questionnaire regarding attitudes toward dieting which include 28 items, 10 out of 28 items (about 36%)showed gender difference. 2. For the questionnaire regarding eating habits which include 17 items, 5 out of 17 items (about 30%)showed gender difference. 3.For the questionnaire regarding emotional depression about obesity, 30.6% of boys and 27.3% girls answered but no statistical significance. The results of this survey indicated that this study will be important as a good guideline for treating obese adolescents. It is hoped that much more research on gender difference in obese adolescents will be implemented in the future. In addition, the development of effective treatments for obesity should be based on the gender of the adolescent.
Key words: Dieting; Eating habit; Depression
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