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Reliability and Validity of the Decision-Making-Competency Inventory (DMCI) in Korean Adolescents.
Mi Jeong Park, Doo Nam Oh, Young Lim Ham, Seung Joo Lim, Young Mi Lim
J Korean Acad Child Health Nurs. 2012;18(2):53-59. DOI:
60 |
Perception of the Importance of Health Promotion Behavior for Infants and Toddlers according to Mothers of Children in this Age Group and Graduate Students in Nursing.
Kyung Sook Bang, Mi Kyung Kwon, Mi Young Choi, Bo Yun Huh, Sophia Jihey Chung
J Korean Acad Child Health Nurs. 2012;18(2):60-67. DOI:
68 |
The Degree of Injury Risk Perception in Preschool Children.
Shin Jeong Kim, Kyung Ah Kang, Sung Hee Kim, Jung Eun Lee
J Korean Acad Child Health Nurs. 2012;18(2):68-75. DOI:
76 |
Development and Validation Study of a Cell Phone Addiction Scale for Korean Children.
Hyun Young Koo, Myung Sook Yoo
J Korean Acad Child Health Nurs. 2012;18(2):76-84. DOI:
85 |
Effects of Cycled Lighting on Circadian Rhythms of Premature Infants.
Seong Jin Lee, Kyung Ja Han, Kyung Sook Bang
J Korean Acad Child Health Nurs. 2012;18(2):85-94. DOI: