Relations of Postpartum Depression with Socio-Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Preterm Infants and Mothers.
Kyung Sook Bang  , Hyun Ju Kang  , Mi Kyung Kwon 
Child Health Nurs Res. 2015;21(1):1-10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4094/CHNR.2015.21.1.1
The Effect of a Postpartum Nursing Intervention Program for Immigrant Mothers.
Kyung Sook Bang, Bo Yun Huh, Mi Kyung Kwon
Child Health Nurs Res. 2014;20(1):11-19. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4094/chnr.2014.20.1.11
Perception of the Importance of Health Promotion Behavior for Infants and Toddlers according to Mothers of Children in this Age Group and Graduate Students in Nursing.
Kyung Sook Bang, Mi Kyung Kwon, Mi Young Choi, Bo Yun Huh, Sophia Jihey Chung
Child Health Nurs Res. 2012;18(2):60-67. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4094/jkachn.2012.18.2.60
Effects of a Mother-fetus Interaction Promotion Program on Sleep and Activity in Mothers and Infants.
Kyung Ja Han, Mi Kyung Kwon, Kyung Sook Bang, Mi Young Choi
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A Study of the Relationship of Family Function and Social Support to Perceived Quality of Life in Adolescents.
Mi Kyung Kwon, Hye Young Ahn, Mi Ryeong Song, Mi Yeong Jang
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Perception of Parental Role by University Students.
Mi Kyung Kwon
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The Study on the Development and Effectiveness of Parent Role Education Program I: Focusing on the six-months results.
Kyung Ja Han, Mi Kyung Kwon, Kyung Sook Bang, Jung Soo Kim
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The Descriptive Study on the Mother's Responsiveness to Infant Cue.
Mi Kyung Kwon
Child Health Nurs Res. 1997;3(2):117-130.