The Effects of a Full Body Massage on Apgar Score, Postparturm Mother's Childbirth Experience and Mother-Infant Attachment.
Kun Ja Lee, Chun Ja Chang, Hyun Sook Jo
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Assessment of Gestational Age using New Ballard Examination in Premature Infants.
Kun Ja Lee, Myung Hee Lee
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An Analysis of Research on the Sensory Stimulation in Newborn Infants in Korea.
Kun Ja Lee, Myung Hee Lee
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Effetcs of a Sensory Stimulation on Weight Gain in Premature Infants.
Kun Ja Lee, Kyoul Ja Cho
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The Effect of the Educational Program on Caring-Confidence and Rearing Attitude in Mothers with Newborns.
Kyoul Ja Cho, Kun Ja Lee, Ohk Jaa Lee
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The Educational Needs of the Mothers of LBW infant and Normal Neonate.
Kyoul Ja Cho, Yun Jung, Kun Ja Lee
Child Health Nurs Res. 1997;3(1):5-18.
An Analysis of Nursing Research on the Family with chronfcally ill children in Borea
Yun Jung, Kun Ja Lee, Seung Nam Paik, Kyoul Ja Cho
Child Health Nurs Res. 1996;2(1):69-92.