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Effects of a Mother-fetus Interaction Promotion Program on the Mother-infant Interaction during Feeding.
Kyung Ja Han, Mikyung Kwon
Child Health Nurs Res. 2007;13(2):191-200.
The Effects of Multimodal Sensory Stimulation Combined with Chiropractic Therapy on Growth and Mother-Infant Interaction in Infants with Low Birth Weight.
Gun Ja Jang
Child Health Nurs Res. 2007;13(1):33-42.
Effects of a Maternal Self-Efficacy Promotion Program on Maternal Confidence and Mother-Infant Interaction.
Hee Soon Kim, Kasil Oh, Il Young Yoo, Dong Hee Kim, Sun Mi Chae, Ju Hye Jin, Carole Kenner, Mi Ja Kim
Child Health Nurs Res. 2006;12(2):189-195.
Effects of Meridian Massage on Weight in Infants and on Mother-Infant Interaction.
Kyoul Ja Cho, Seung Nam Paik
Child Health Nurs Res. 2005;11(3):340-347.
The Effects of Sensory Stimulation on Mother-Infant Interaction, Maternal Self-Esteem and Infant Temperament.
Gun Ja Jang
Child Health Nurs Res. 2005;11(1):117-124.
The Effect of Sensory Stimulation on Mother-Infant Interaction in Premature Infants.
Mi Ye Kim, Sun Hee Kim, Gun Ja Jang
Child Health Nurs Res. 2004;10(2):180-187.
Effects of Maternal Education using Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale on the Mother-Infant Interaction and Infant Behavior.
Yeung Hee Shin, Seon Ah Lee
Child Health Nurs Res. 2003;9(1):74-84.
The Study on the Development and Effectiveness of Parent Role Education Program I: Focusing on the six-months results.
Kyung Ja Han, Mi Kyung Kwon, Kyung Sook Bang, Jung Soo Kim
Child Health Nurs Res. 2001;7(1):96-107.
Effects of Maternal Role Education Program on the Mother-Infant Interaction and Infant Development.
Kyung Sook Bang
Child Health Nurs Res. 2001;7(1):21-34.
Correlations of Infant Temperament, Mother-Infant Interaction, and Child-rearing Environment.
Kyung Ja Han, Kyung Sook Bang
Child Health Nurs Res. 2000;6(2):132-143.
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