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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2001;7(2):191-202.
The Severity of the Pediatric Patients Visiting Emergency Center.
Shin Jeong Kim, Sun Young Moon, Eun Ok Park
1Department of Nursing Science, Hallym University, Korea.
2Department of Nursing, ShinHeung College, Korea.
3Ewha Woman's University Hospital Emergency Center, Kroea.
This study was attempted to help in explore new direction about classification of the severity of the pediatric patients visiting emergency center. Data were collected from 276 patients who visited emergency center of E University Hospital during 3 months period from March 1, to May 31,1999. The results were as follows: 1. The degree of severity of the pediatric patients visiting emergency center shown ranged 0-18 and averaged .87. 2. With the respect to the severity of the pediatric patients visiting emergency center, there were statiscally significant difference in patients' visiting time(F=2.607, p=.025), disease classification(F=9.606, p=.000), consciousness level(F=71.499, p=.000), period of symptom manifestation (F=2.262, p=.030), pediatric patients protector's thinking about pediatric patients state (F=16.833, p=.000), treatment outcome (t=5.362, p=.000), duration of stay at emergency center(F=23.944, p=.000).
Key words: Pediatric patients visiting emergency center
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