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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2002;8(2):174-182.
A Survey on the Experience of Accident of Infant, Toddler and Preschooler, and the Education about Emergency Care for Parents.
Il Ok Kim, Sun Hwa Shin
1Sahmyook University, Korea. kimio@syu.ac.kr
2Seoul Adventist Hospital, Korea.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the experiences of accident and visiting emergency center, and the experiences of education about emergency care for parents. The subjects of this study were 117 mothers whose children are attending 9 different nursery schools or kindergartens. The instrument used in this study was developed by researchers and validated by nursing professor, first aid doctor and the president of nursery school, and consisted of 'most important thing in child rearing' ,'experiences of accident and visiting emergency center', 'type of trauma' and 'need for parent education program' the result of this study were as followed ; 1.There were 70.09% of the experience of visiting emergency center among the subjects. The cause of visiting emergency center were high fever and convulsion (42.86%), and trauma by accident (28.04%) 2. The most common type of the indoor accident were fall down and slipping(76.92%), the common type of trauma were contusion (76.92%), abrasion (47.01%), laceration (29.06%), dislocation or fracture (12.82%), burn (10.26%), piercing (8.55%). 3.47.01% of subjects had the experience of education about emergency care for parents. They were educated by child rearing journals (32.72%), small books which were published by hospitals or community health center (25.45%), mass media(21.8%), parent seminar (12.72%), nursery school or kindergarten (5.45%). In conclusion, the need of emergency care for children was strongly found. Therefore, on the basis of above results, the parent education program which fits their cognitive level and their health care needs So, it must be directed on the further study of parents' knowledge about emergency care for children. To enhance the effectiveness of program and accomplish the children's health promotion, advanced instructional media and demonstration must be included.
Key words: Infant and Toddler; Preschooler; Safety; Emergency Care; Parent Education
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