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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2003;9(4):392-398.
Mothers' Child-Rearing Attitude.
Shin Jeong Kim, Young Hee Kim, Kye Sook Kim
1Department of Nursing, Hallym University, Korea. kimsj@hallym.ac.kr
2Department of Nursing, Dongguk University, Korea.
3Department of Nursing, Ansan College, Korea.
PURPOSE: This study was carried out to provide the theoretical understanding of mothers' child-rearing attitude and the eventual purpose was to contribute to the development of nursing interventions to help mothers have love-automous childrearing attitudes which will foster child development and enhance harmonious child-mother relationship. METHOD: The data were collected from April to september, 2002 by questionnaires with 130 married child-rearing mothers. Mothers' child-rearing attitudes were rated on the 5-point sclae of Schaefer's Maternal Behavior Research Instrument(MBRI). RESULT: 1) In love vs hostility and autonomy vs control, the score of love(3.79) is higher than hostility(2.64) and the score of autonomy(3.54) is higher than control(2.58). 2) In love-autonomous child-rearing attitude(3.69) is highest than hostility-control(2.75), love-control(2.70), hostility-autonomous (2.54) child-rearing attitude and the direction is autonomy-->love. CONCLUSION: Nurses assess mothers' child-rearing attitude and provide teaching and counselling to help mothers to form love-autonomous child-rearing attitude.
Key words: Mother; Child-rearing attitude
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