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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2005;11(3):282-289.
Relationships between BMI, Eating Disorders, Physical Symptoms and Self-Esteem among Fifth Grade and Sixth Grade in an Elementary School Girls.
Mi Hae Sung
Department of Nursing, Inje University, Korea. nursmh@inje.ac.kr
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between BMI, eating disorders, physical symptoms and self-esteem. METHODS: The research design was a descriptive correlation study. Data collection was done by using a constructive self-report questionnaire, a total 231 elementary school girls were measured. The instrument was a constructive questionnaire that consisted 115 items. Data analysis was done by SPSS WIN 10.0 using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient. RESULTS: The score of eating disorders differed significantly by the BMI : the score was highest in the group of obesity(F=4.53, p=.023). The score of physical symptoms differed significantly by the BMI : the score was highest in the group of obesity(F=3.16, p=.045). There was positive correlation between BMI and eating disorders(r=.247, p<.01), and BMI and physical symptoms(r=.186, p<.01). And there was positive correlation between eating disorders and physical symptoms(r=.253, p<.01). CONCLUSIONS: These results indicated that elementary school girls need more education and counseling on dietary. Also, to promote their normal growth development, the systematic efforts to reestablish the social standard of the beauty should be taken.
Key words: Eating disorders; Physical symptoms; Self-esteem; Elementary school girl
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