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Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing 2006;12(1):65-74.
A Comparison of Korean Traditional Child-rearing Practices between Generations of Young Mothers and Grandmothers.
Seung Hee Han, In Soo Kwon, Soo Yeon Lee
1Department of Nursing, JinJu College of Health.
2Department of Nursing, and Gerontological Health Research Center, Gyeongsang National University. iskwon@nongae.gsnu.ac.kr
3Department of Nursing, Koje College.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in Korean child-rearing practices between the generations of young mothers and grandmothers. METHOD: The participants were 98 mothers who were 20 to 39 years old and had raised one-year-old child and 103 grandmothers who were over 60 years old and had raised their children in a small city. Data were collected through self-report questionnaire based on the Korean traditional child-rearing practice from Yoo(1986). The data were analyzed using the SPSS Win 10.0 program. RESULTS: Of 37 items in the categories of feeding and weaning, health management and taboo matters, play, and baby celebrations, the grandmothers practiced 13 items (35%) more frequently than the young mothers. However, no generation differences were found in 21 items (57%), and 3 items were practiced more frequently by the young mothers. For the young mothers, there were 15 items (41%) which were practiced over 70%, 7 items (19%) which were practiced less than 30%. CONCLUSION: It seems that some Korean traditional child-rearing practices were transferred to modern child-rearing practices. Therefore pediatric nurses need to pay attention to traditional child-rearing practices for the best health, growth and development of children.
Key words: Korean Traditional Child Rearing Practice
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